Data Description

The data recorded ten nurses with more than three years of clinical suctioning experience and twelve nursing students from a university performing Endotracheal Suctioning (ES) on the ESTE-SIM simulation system.

There are two types of data in this dataset:

  • Video: recorded from the front side of the nurse beyond the patient mannequin. This video will be published only during training.
  • Pose Skeleton (Keypoints): extracted from videos by using YOLOv7. This data will be published for training and testing.

There are a total of 9 activities in the ES procedure. All the activities are listed in the below table.

Table 1. Activities in endotracheal suctioning and their IDs

Activity class id Activity name
0 Catheter preparation
1 Temporal removement of an artificial airway
2 Suctioning phlegm
3 Refitting the artificial airway
4 Catheter disinfection
5 Discarding gloves
6 Positioning
7 Auscultation
8 Others

Data Structure

Subject Information

We invited ten nurses and twelve nursing students for our data collection. Each participant was asked to perform ES procedure twice. The dataset is divided into a training set (32 videos) and a submission set (12 videos). Here is the information for currently available subjects.

Table 2. Subject information

Subject_id Usage Experience Note
N01T1 Training Nurse  
N01T2 Training Nurse Same person as N01T1
N02T1 Training Nurse  
N02T2 Training Nurse Same person as N02T1
N03T1 Submission Nurse  
N03T2 Submission Nurse Same person as N03T1
N04T1 Training Nurse  
N04T2 Training Nurse Same person as N04T1
N05T1 Submission Nurse  
N05T2 Submission Nurse Same person as N05T1
N06T1 Training Nurse  
N06T2 Training Nurse Same person as N06T1
N07T1 Training Nurse  
N07T2 Training Nurse Same person as N07T1
N09T1 Submission Nurse  
N09T2 Submission Nurse Same person as N09T1
N11T1 Training Nurse  
N11T1 Training Nurse Same person as N11T1
N12T1 Training Nurse  
N12T1 Training Nurse Same person as N12T1
S01T1 Training Student  
S01T2 Training Student Same person as S01T1
S02T1 Training Student  
S02T2 Training Student Same person as S02T1
S03T1 Training Student  
S03T2 Training Student Same person as S03T1
S04T1 Submission Student  
S04T2 Submission Student Same person as S04T1
S05T1 Training Student  
S05T2 Training Student Same person as S05T1
S06T1 Submission Student  
S06T2 Submission Student Same person as S06T1
S07T1 Training Student  
S07T2 Training Student Same person as S07T1
S08T1 Training Student  
S08T2 Training Student Same person as S08T1
S09T1 Training Student  
S09T2 Training Student Same person as S09T1
S10T1 Training Student  
S10T2 Training Student Same person as S10T1
S11T1 Training Student  
S11T2 Training Student Same person as S11T1
S12T1 Submission Student  
S12T2 Submission Student Same person as S12T1

Datasets will be published in the following directory structure:

  • ./dataset/
    • ./video/
      • {Training_subject_id}.MTS
      • N01T2.MTS
      • ...
      • S11T1.MTS
      • S11T2.MTS
    • ./keypoints/
      • {Subject_id}_keypoint.csv
      • N01T2_keypoint.csv
      • ...
      • S12T1_keypoint.csv
      • S12T2_keypoint.csv
    • ./ann/
      • {Training_subject_id}_ann.csv
      • N01T2_ann.csv
      • ...
      • S11T1_ann.csv
      • S11T2_ann.csv

The ./video/ folder contains 32 videos in MTS format of subjects in the Training set (see Table 2). The frame per second of videos is 30 and the image size is 1920×1080.


Inside the ./keypoint/ folder, we have provided 44 CSV files containing x, and y coordinates and confidence scores of 17 positions on the subject's body in each video frame. These keypoints were extracted by using YOLOv7. Sometimes, there are other people included in the frame while passing by in the background, therefore we applied post-processing steps in the skeleton results to keep only the skeleton of the main nurse. Therefore, the sampling rate of keypoint is also 30. If you open the files you can see the following columns.

Table 3. Keypoint data description ({Subject_id}_keypoint.csv)

Column name Description of column
nose_x X coordinate value of nose
nose_y Y coordinate value of nose
nose_conf Confidence value of nose
left_eye_x X coordinate value of left eye
left_eye_y Y coordinate value of left eye
left_eye_conf Confidence value of left eye
right_eye_x X coordinate value of right eye
right_eye_y Y coordinate value of right eye
right_eye_conf Confidence value of right eye
left_ear_x X coordinate value of left ear
left_ear_y Y coordinate value of left ear
left_ear_conf Confidence value of left ear
right_ear_x X coordinate value of right ear
right_ear_y Y coordinate value of right ear
right_ear_conf Confidence value of right ear
left_shoulder_x X coordinate value of left shoulder
left_shoulder_y Y coordinate value of left shoulder
left_shoulder_conf Confidence value of left shoulder
right_shoulder_x X coordinate value of right shoulder
right_shoulder_y Y coordinate value of right shoulder
right_shoulder_conf Confidence value of right shoulder
left_elbow_x X coordinate value of left elbow
left_elbow_y Y coordinate value of left elbow
left_elbow_conf Confidence value of left elbow
right_elbow_x X coordinate value of right elbow
right_elbow_y Y coordinate value of right elbow
right_elbow_conf Confidence value of right elbow
left_wrist_x X coordinate value of left wrist
left_wrist_y Y coordinate value of left wrist
left_wrist_conf Confidence value of left wrist
right_wrist_x X coordinate value of right wrist
right_wrist_y Y coordinate value of right wrist
right_wrist_conf Confidence value of right wrist
left_hip_x X coordinate value of left hip
left_hip_y Y coordinate value of left hip
left_hip_conf Confidence value of left hip
right_hip_x X coordinate value of right hip
right_hip_y Y coordinate value of right hip
right_hip_conf Confidence value of right hip
left_knee_x X coordinate value of left knee
left_knee_y Y coordinate value of left knee
left_knee_conf Confidence value of left knee
right_knee_x X coordinate value of right knee
right_knee_y Y coordinate value of right knee
right_knee_conf Confidence value of right knee
left_ankle_x X coordinate value of left ankle
left_ankle_y Y coordinate value of left ankle
left_ankle_conf Confidence value of left ankle
right_ankle_x X coordinate value of right ankle
right_ankle_y Y coordinate value of right ankle
right_ankle_conf Confidence value of right ankle

Annotation (ann)

Inside the ./ann/ folder, we have provided 32 CSV files containing annotations of each video in the Training set (see Table 2). If you open the files you can see the following columns.

Table 4. Annotation data description ({Training_subject_id}_ann.csv)

Column name Description
start_time Start time of activity (in second)
stop_time Stop time of activity (in second)
annotation_str Activity name
annotation Activity ID (described in Table 1)

Data Usage

You can get the dataset download link by registering to participate on the challenge.


We provide video and skeleton data for the Training set. The skeleton data is extracted from the video by using YOLOv7 and applying our post-processing to define and track the main subject in the video. Because of limitations on camera position, skeleton data could only identify certain portions of the body. According to the challenge's objective, we only allow participants to utilize the provided skeleton for activity recognition in the testing phase. Participants must utilize a generative model or large language model for some ingenuity. The video data is only able to be used for training or for being imaginative and creative using Generative AI.

For the testing set, only skeleton data are published. From the provided skeleton data, participants are required to propose their pipelines, predict, and submit the activity label for the submission set (in each second) as shown in the tutorial.

The submission file contains the columns detailed below.

  • subjectID: Corresponding participant’s ID (see Table 2)
  • timestamp: Each second
  • activityID: The activity class is supposed to happen (see Table 1)
SubjectID timestamp activityID
N03T1 00:00 - 00:01 0
N03T1 00:01 - 00:02 0

For evaluation, we will consider F1 Score and the paper contents. We will take an average F1 score for all the subjects. The baseline result for each subject is shared in the table below.

Subject ID Accuracy F1 score
N03T1 0.50 0.39
N03T2 0.49 0.44
N05T1 0.39 0.28
N05T2 0.51 0.36