
Submit your questions to abc2024@sozolab.jp with the subject line "6th ABC Challenge". Please email the organizers at abc2024@sozolab.jp if there are any changes to team members, email addresses, or other details.

Q1: Is it mandatory to use Generative AI?

A1: Yes, you need to use Generative AI. Because the results will be considered by the F1-score and the paper quality that describes your approach. See here.

Q2: Is the referenced paper available from somewhere?

A2: Yes, possible. However, this paper cannot be distributed because it is under preparation for publication. So if you are a challenge participant and wish to see this paper, please contact us individually.

Q3: Do we need to use LLM as in the tutorial?

A3: No. The LLM usage shown in the tutorial is an example. Please find ways to utilize not only LLM but also Generative AI in the field of human-activity-recognition.

Q4: How many papers will be presented from this challenge?

A4: It depends on the paper quality and the number of teams. However, if there is enough time in the conference, we would like to ask for all papers judged as sufficient quality by the review process to be presented.

Q5: Is it possible to present online?

A5: Yes possible. We would like to recommend onsite participation, but an online presentation will be also possible.

Q6: How will the Challenge papers be published?

A6: Papers can be published in the same way as regular papers after review. (to be published in IEEE proceedings or J-stage open access journal). This means that the paper needs to be accepted by the review process as well as a Regular Paper at the main conference.

Q7: Is there any page limit for a paper?

A7: Pages should not exceed 4 to 8 pages. The maximum is 8 pages.